Crossroad decision: To Grab or not to Grab ...
3 years ago (in Feb 2018 to be exact), I wrote my first blog of my journey to getting a vocational license. (TPDVL aka taxi license to be exact!) My original intention is simply to use my SkillFuture credit and also I could see that there is always a possibility that I may be out of job someday.
I have seen friends and ex-colleague's life thrown into disarray when they were layoff during retrenchment and could not find a job for more than a year. It is not a pretty scene and it brought many problems not only to the affected person, but also to his/her family.
Long gone are the days whereby you could start your career in a company and retire after 40 or 45 years of service. The modern era company operation is all about P/L (Profit/Loss).
It sounds cruel, but that is the reality.
Now in 2021... I am at the crossroad.
The company that I am working for is not (exactly) doing well; it isn't at the point of collapsing too. Unfortunately there were many rounds of layoffs and the amount of workload is simply piling exponentially.
I am at the verge of total burnout due to the stress from work and the pressure from my (new) ang-moh boss. I have been losing sleep, weight and hair. The only thing that is holding me back from resignation is the monthly paycheck that pays my household bills. However I know that it is a matter I will lose my health (physical and mental) if I were to carry on with my current job.
I have tried applying for other jobs for the past 3 months did not even get a response. My hope in getting a new job before I quit this current is dwindling by the days.
I have thought of quitting my job and be a full time grab driver.
Crossroad decision... To Grab or not to Grab! The countdown begins...
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